Viajes - Voyages - Поездки

End of Term Exams - 期末考试

Final exams next week... Monday: Listening Comprehension; Tuesday: Reading Comprehension; Wednesday: Writing; Thursday: Spoken Chinese.

Examens finaux la semaine prochaine... Lundi: compréhension orale; mardi: compréhension écrite; mercredi: écriture; jeudi: production orale.

Examenes finales la proxima semana... Lunes: comprension oral; martes: comprension lectora; miércoles: escritura; jueves: produccion oral.

5 comentarios

Alexandre -

Ok, ... here we go! A comment in four languages, in three different writing systems! :-)

Sleeplow: merci! C'est vrai... un an de préparations pour un examen... c'est beaucoup!

Gabriel: No I had not taken any Chinese language courses in Canada. However, four months prior to my arrival in China, I bought a book for learning Chinese. But it did not make much of a difference for me when I was in China, as an advertisement for a Chinese interpreting company says: "No matter how many Chinese classes you've taken so far, once you get in China, 99.99% of Chinese people won't understand you!" It couldn't be more right. I knew a couple of words, but I could not pronounce them.

Merci, ce serait bien que tu commentes ce blog en donnant une perspective singapourienne, je crois que ce serait très intéressant. Je te contacterai la semaine prochaine!

LY: 谢谢你!我怕明天的听力考试!

Boris: Спасибо! Да! Потом каникулы! Я хочу ехать в другие города!

Boris -


LY -




Gabriel -

Wow...that seems to be fairly advanced Chinese. Were you already enrolled in Chinese language courses in Canada? You probably know more Chinese than I know French :)

Bonne chance pour les examens et si tu as des questions, je peux t'aider.

sleeplow -

BAH facile !!! c'Est pas comme si ca fait pratiquement 1 ans que tu t'y prépare !!! XD

